Uncle Wulf > wrote in message >. ..
> Hello -
> I found a 6 pound bottom round roast at the store for a rediculously
> low price, so I thought I'd give it a try on the smoker. I read the
> BBQ FAQ and the relevant posts here, figured I was set.
> I put the meat on at 41 degrees internal, smoker temp 225. Three hours
> and a bit more at 225-250 gave an internal temp of 139. I took the
> roast out then and let it rest in a cooler for half an hour, at which
> point the internal had peaked at 147 degrees.
> The flavor's very good, and it's swimming in juice, but it's tougher
> than I'm willing to put up with again. I knew it was gonna be a bit on
> the chewy side, but not this chewy. At this point, I have two
> questions.
> Does anybody here have any ideas for a better procedure for this cut?
> Would anybody care to recommend a different cut of beef for next time?
> I probably wouldn't have gotten that roast, but $.69 a pound for beef
> is mighty hard to pass up. Thanks for any advice y'all might have.
> Best -
> Uncle Wulf
It looks to me, Unk, that at .69 per pound you got your moneys worth.
Probably, at less than select grade too I would suspect. (see
http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/Beef/rp357.htm#qg for a guide to beef grades.
There's a nice chart there for reference and comparison)
In the future, and in considering the length of cooking time in our
beloved process, use a really fatty heavilly marbled piece of meat, or
one loaded with collagen such as brisket, or it'll just seize up on