Thread: Fried catfish
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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Fried catfish

Kate Connally wrote:
> But back when I was a kid I used to love to go fishing with my
> grandfather. We'd go to a lake for summer vacation and he and
> I and my sister would get up at 4am and go out in the rowboat
> and fish. We caught sunfish, bluegills, and catfish.
> When we got back to the cabin we would clean them and the way
> my grandfather did the catfish was to cut through the skin all
> the way around the body just under the head. Then he would
> nail the head to a tree and grab the skin on either side with
> pliers and pull it down and off (like taking off knee socks ;-)).
> My grandmother would be up by then and we'd take all the fish
> and fry them up for breakfast. She just "breaded" them with
> cornmeal. Best breakfasts I ever had.

This brings back a lot of fond memories. My grandfather would take me
fishing, and I would complain because it was still dark when we left the
house. I would swear it was still night time. lol Grandpa was a
baseball player and he lost an eye to a baseball when he was 25. I
thought he was the most handsomest man in the world, and I never noticed
that he only had one eye.
