I can't seem to find much in the archives, and I don't trust the folks at
RFC nearly as much as the group here.
I've had Omaha Steaks (
www.omahasteaks.com) and they are pretty good - even
the sirloin is tender and that's a cut I generally avoid. I've had wagyu
www.yama-beef.com and it is incredibly good but expensive at $40+ per
pound of the better cuts. A guy on another forum says Kansas City Steak
Company (
www.kcsteak.com) has better meat than Omaha Steaks at good prices,
but it's not as good as that from Lobel's in NYC (
www.lobels.com) which is
supposedly the best but really expensive. I'm annoyed at the kcsteak.com
website since they don't say if the beef is Choice or Prime and my email
remains unanswered so far. Lobel's prices are more than I'd rather pay
given that their upper Prime fillets cost as much as Wagyu fillets.
Here in Dallas there are some good butchers with Prime (Kuby's, Central
Market, The Meat Market) but it's hit or miss not to mention buying online
is so much more convenient. It's also nice buying online since the steaks
are already in Cryovac bags saving me the trouble of breaking out the
Foodsaver machine to prep the steaks for my deep freezer.
Of course the old standby is to buy Choice ribeyes at under $5/lb from Sams
Wholesale and they're good but sometimes I want something better.