Thread: Fried catfish
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Fried catfish

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Fri, 06 Mar 2009 13:24:27 -0500, Kate Connally >
>> wrote:
>>> SteveB wrote:
>>>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> On Mar 5, 11:52 am, "cybercat" > wrote:
>>>>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>> On Mar 5, 12:26 am, wrote:
>>>>>> How do I do simple fried (breaded) catfish? I don't have a deep fryer,
>>>>>> Any
>>>>>> favorite recipes out there? Thanks.
>>>>>> Soak them for a couple hours in salted water to get rid of any
>>>>> lingering strong fishy taste;
>>>>> Oh nooooo! If you need to do this, you don't like cat fish.
>>>> Operative word: strong.
>>>> N.
>>>> "lingering strong fishy taste"? From catfish? The varieties of catfish
>>>> have the "fishy" taste related to the water they live in. If yours
>>>> taste
>>>> this way, you may want to get it from different waters. Catfish from
>>>> flowing waters have a very light fishy taste.
>>> Well, if you have "clean" flowing waters that is great.
>>> I sure wouldn't want to eat catfish from the rivers around
>>> here (Pittsburgh). I prefer lake catfish to river catfish.
>>> Kate

>> I can "one up" you on Pittsburg catfish. When I was in Vietnam 40 years
>> ago, I
>> saw the natives fishing for catfish in sewage channels alongside the
>> roads.
>> Sorry, but you brought that memory to mind. Actually fairly disgusting.

> Hve you seen those pictures floating cyber space about the giant catfish in
> the Mekong River. I wonder if Napalm and all the other crap dropped over
> there in the name of Communism and 'Justice and American Way' made them that
> big or if it were just run of the mill Vietnamese doodoo.
> -ginny

Neither, they're naturally that big. NatGeo channel has been running a
series on "Monster Fish." Very interesting actually. The Mekong giant
catfish are being over fished by the locals in Nam and Thailand and,
thusly, are endangered. Takes a long time for fish to get that big.

By the way, catfish in American waters can get very large also, I've
seen 150 lb catfish coming out of Lake Houston, a water supply lake
caused by damming the San Jacinto river. Historically a 300 lb catfish
was taken in the eighteen hundreds from the Mississippi River at
Natchez, MS.

To my taste very large catfish taste muddy naturally.