Gayest food on earth
Jack Schidt® wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Dan Abel wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>>>Cream of Sum Yun Gai soup
>>>This reminds me of a thread on another group that I'm subscribed to. It
>>>started with this guy getting all offended at a pudding toss (ObFood).
>>>Everybody goes outside naked and throws pudding at each other. Why was
> he
>>>offended? They used vanilla pudding and he thought it looked like
> semen!
>>Too funny. And that guy might want to consider seeing a doctor.
> Would he be happier if it were chocolate pudding, with everyone cavorting
> nekkid and screaming 'scat! scat!'. Maybe not. Sorry, I'm asking myself
> some serious questions after posting this.
> Jack Cleanliness
Didn't somebody mention tapioca?