Aingon Atelia wrote:
>>On Mar 1, 3:28 am, sf > wrote:
>>>>>>I believe it now. What happened to poor Blinky?
>>>>>He died.
>>>>I gather that, but from what?
>>>We suspect it was pneumonia.
>>So was his vomiting a red herring?
> Started with some kind of flu-like thing, and then progressed into
> something resembling pnuemonia. Again, this is from things he said,
> there has been no official pronouncement yet.
I thought people only died (in the modern world) of pneumonia if they
were already ill with something else?
Though in all the times i hastily jumped out of the pool when blinky
swam up

i never recall him saying anything about any previous or
chronic conditions.
Even his complaints about stress that took him to the Joshua tree park
to de-stress & where he took some lovely photos never seemed anything
more than the usual, run of the mill, ordinary, everyday, modern world
Though we only swam in the same pool, and i really barely knew him, he
was nice enough to be missed.