Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Lynn wrote:
> >> mushrooms sous cloches.
> >
> > "Um er Beggin' yer pardon Miss . . . What are "Mushrooms under
> > bells" ?
> In that context, a cloche is a kind of casserole dish with a shallow pan and
> a bell-shaped cover. Mushrooms sous cloches are mushrooms which have been
> cooked in one of those dishes, typically with butter, salt, and thyme.
> Bob
I wonder how this "cloche" description relates to hats that are called
"cloches"? The hats do somewhat rather look like mushrooms, I suppose
<g>. Instead of thyme, how well would tarragon would work? Just some
curious mind-wanderings of mine
Sky, who does not like any sort of edible fungi!
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice