"modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:02:16 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
>>"modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> Is pregnant. So's her partner Jennifer Cora.
>>> http://tinyurl.com/cfdyva
>>> The same sperm donor is involved in both pregnancies.
>>> You could knock me over with a feather right now, but please don't.
>>People sure do manage to make a tangled mess of things. Same dad ... err
>>... sperm donor, and embryo swapping???? That is just too strange but I'm
>>sure it's just my "issues." Give me a freaking break. And IVF? She's a
>>chef, you know she had a turkey baster in the drawer. I kinda liked Cat
>>Cora and liked her cooking shows. Now I think she's a really screwed up
>>person and not because she's ***. She seems to me to be a pretty
>>narcissistic individual and I don't mean in the usual good way. And the
>>she stared at her hunky construction dude on that TV show I think she's
>>being fashionably *******. I really hope her and her wife's children
>>find out they were swapped like kitchen chores. "OK, I'll do the dinner
>>you do the dishes, deal?"
> I'm not inclined to such harsh judgments. The two women have one
> child who's five years old. That would seem a long time to be
> "fashionably *******." And swapping embryos -- while it amazes me --
> would seem an interesting way to get each other pregnant, in a certain
> sense.
Let's hope when those embryos become real people that they'll feel the same
enthusiasm about how they were brought to be as their parents surely did.
To me it seems like they are an incredibly self absorbed couple.