Thread: Virginia wine
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Default Virginia wine

On Mar 11, 11:54�am, "Dick R." > wrote:
> I think Virginia wines have been a topic of conversation in the past.
> A little over a week ago we spent a few nights in Charlottesville, VA.
> So much history there - Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others.
> Also, lots of wineries, but the snowstorms in almost all of the
> eastern U.S. caused lots of problems and hindered our visits to more
> of the wineries. We did, however, visit Barboursville Vinyards, home
> of the award winning Octagon cabernet. We sampled many of the wines
> at the wine bar including the 2006 Octagon and found them to be
> quite nice. No samples of the 2004 Octagon - it sells for over $70
> per bottle. Purchased a few modestly priced bottles and vowed we'll
> visit more Virginia wineries next April.
> Dick (From Minnesota, but presently in Hilton Head, SC where my thoughts
> turn to good seafood - and a bit of wine)

I've made a few visits to the Borboursville over the years. I found
their lower priced wines a much better product, dollar for dollar,
than the Octagon. I think that the less expensive wines stack up very
well to similar wines from California, Washiington, etc but much
better wines can be found at the same price point as Octagon. I'm
heading back north on Sunday after being in S.W. Florida since