notbob wrote:
> OK, I got other stuff, but still problem. Recipe say "2 T nonfat powdered
> milk" OK, I wus gonna buy some n/f pwdr milk. $5.75!!! Are you freakin'
> kidding me? It's crap pwdr milk, ferchrisakes. Did I mention $3.38lb for
> corned beef!!?? Who the Hell said Walmart was a deal?
> ....ok,ok..
> Anyone got a recipe not needing powdered milk? (grrr.....)
> nb
What brand is the machine ?
We have a couple here we picked up at garage sales
when SWMBO got onto the web
and found recipe books for each brand .
Option two
this has proved a helpful resource
It is irritating though how the exact same mix/recipe
turns out so bloody different depending on brand .
you could always go NO milk recipes .
When I get time will rat through the cupboard and find a recipe for you