Cat Cora
"Kathleen" > wrote in message
> Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Pete C." > wrote in message
>>>>Swapping embryos is not weird? If you can't carry a baby I can see
>>>>surrogate mother that has been used in the past, but how many women swap
>>>>embryos just for fun?
>>>Swapping embryos is not weird at all. Technologically, it involves
>>>nothing more than picking up the test tube containing the embryos from
>>>the other egg donor for implantation. Emotionally it allows each partner
>>>more complete participation in the birth of the children by carrying
>>>their partners biological offspring.
>> I've never met a mother that would not want to bear her own child as long
>> as they could. Sorry, but embryo swapping sure seems weird to me but
>> I'll let the mothers comment on that aspect.
> Okay, I'll bite.
> Any child you carry becomes your own.
> I understand the legal precedents, I understand the biology and the
> genetics.
> And I can understand deciding to cement your emotional bond with a chosen
> life partner by swapping embryos.
> How does this differ from chosing to carry the child created by the
> "normal" procreative acts of a hetero couple? "I wanna have your baby".
On an emotional level, it does not. But there are more things to consider
than one's "feelings" when planning a family. I wish Cat and her wife, or
partner or whatever a long and happy relationship. But I do worry about the
kids and how they will feel when they are old enough to know. And I
especially worry about them if things go sour and an ugly seperation occurs.
Being caught in the middle of something like that is no picnic.