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Blinky's Funeral
> In article >,
> Aingon Atelia > wrote:
>> We laid Blinky to rest on Saturday. The service was nice, but short.
>> Besides Lee's daughter Sara, his ex-wife Dee and her brother, a couple
>> of older online friends were there, as well as a surprise guest of one
>> of the AFC-A fellows. Sara read a short poem and then said a few words,
>> and then there was some general discussion. Then we went to the grave
>> site and watched as the box containing Blinky's ashes was placed in the
>> ground.
>> After the cemetery, the online friends and I went to celebrate Blinky's
>> life over beer, pizza and darts. He did love to shoot darts, and was
>> pretty good at it most days. I believe he would have approved.
>> Bye, you big friggin' doof. I miss you a hundred times a day.
> Thanks for keeping us in the loop throughout. You're the reason that
> Blinky didn't just disappear without a trace, and that many of us were
> able to say goodbye, even if we couldn't do so in person.
That was my plan.
Aingon Atelia aka Minkie Zeeber
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