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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default To check or not to check?

In article >,
(Steve Pope) wrote:

> Having spent nine lovely days in The Most Liveable City
> in the World, and two more in beautiful Sechelt, I'm
> about to fly home with my prized four jars of rose harissa.
> (Down from five, we consumed one.)
> Technically, I could take them in my carry-on luggage,
> since each jar is 90 grams and the carry-on limit on liquids /
> gels / pastes is 100 ml in Canada. But I still think they might
> not approve of my harissa at airport security.
> The safer alternative is to put them in checked luggage;
> but I don't normally check any luggage, and if United
> loses it I'm out not just the harissa, but a bunch
> of other possessions as well.
> This is a no win situation but I think I'm leaning towards
> placing them into checked luggage.
> Steve

Absolutely!! I would not chance losing your treasure. Pack them well
and put them in a box and check it through as luggage. I hope you won't
get charged $25 for it. Happened to me with some perfume.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - pot pie
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."