Aingon Atelia wrote:
> This has been a tough quarter for me. In mid-December my mother was
> diagnosed with leukemia. Being too weak for aggressive chemo, she was
> put on a maintenance treatment. She was already transfusion dependent
> from other bone marrow issues brought on by chemo for breast cancer 10
> years ago.
> On Feb 27th, the night before Blinky's memorial, I was finalizing the
> eulogy when my sister called, saying that my mother had fallen and hit
> her head badly enough to be hospitalized. She had a huge subdural
> hematoma, and she was too frail for them to operate on. She was
> paralyzed on her right side, and was declining. As there was no
> prospect for her to not be dependent on machines to keep her alive, with
> minimal quality of life, my sisters and I had to decide to observe what
> we knew to be her wishes and stop all of her treatments and let the
> leukemia take her. We brought her home on March 4th, and she died
> peacefully in her sleep early on the morning of the 6th. Her funeral
> was yesterday, her interment today.
> Helluva couple of months. I've also been made Blinky's daughter's
> agent, so that the apartment can get cleared out. The coroner unsealed
> it on the 10th, and I've been given until the 24th to get it emptied.
> Basically that means finding room for a 1 bedroom apartment inside my
> small 3 bedroom house, until everything can be gone through.
> And the hits just keep on coming - When I got home from my mom's
> interment today, my next door neighbor's house was packed with people.
> Turns out *he'd* died a couple of days ago from a massive coronary and
> multiple organ failure.
> It may not be safe to be around me.
> --
> Aingon Atelia aka Minkie Zeeber
> Poke out my left I to reply
Many condolences for the loss of your mother and neighbor. You truly
have had a rough time of it lately. I just hope this 'trend' doesn't
keep up.
Sky, from RFC
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice