What's in your peppermill?
On Sat 21 Mar 2009 06:22:35a, Melba's Jammin' told us...
> A few weeks ago on "The Splendid Table," Lynne Rosetto Kasper's and one
> of her guests were talking about including some spices along with the
> peppercorns to liven things up a bit. They mentioned coriander and at
> least one other possibility. Intrigued, I've been putting a little bit
> of coriander and a few allspice berries in my peppermill along with the
> peppercorns (Tellicherry, I think) and I like it a lot. I mentioned it
> to Mary Ann, the "keyholder" (Penzeys doesn't have store managers, they
> have keyholders) at my nearest Penzeys and she warned about the
> possibility of the coriander and the allspice gunking up the mechanism
> of my ancient little Peugeot mill because they are 'oily' spices. FWIW.
> What's in your peppermill?
Over the years I've accumulated 4 peppermills. Three are Peugeots and one
is a Perfex, which is made from solid machined cast alumunum. Two of the
Peugeots contain various mixes of peppercorns, one Peugeot (for the table)
contains only black peppercorns. I started adding allspice berries to the
peppercorns in the Perfex years ago and never had a problem. Maybe a
couple of years ago I also began adding some coriander seeds. Still no
problem. (It never occurred to me that it could be a problem.) However,
the advantage of the Perfex is that it can be completely disassembled and
thoroughly washed and dried. I've never actually had to do that because of
a problem, but I probably do it once a year as a matter of habit. It's my
oldest mill, purchased in the late 1960s.
Wayne Boatwright
"One man's meat is another man's poison"
- Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.