Stocking a bomb shelter
> wrote in message
> In misc.survivalism Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> Very true. They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the
>> China
>> boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all
>> the
>> money they owe us." In very short time,
> ... their level of poverty would increase substatially.
> our retail stores would be 3/4
>> empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
>> prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. We'd have economic
>> chaos.
> As would they. That's why it is a very unlikely scenario,
The dictator of China would not care about a temporary poverty situation.
Once he cuts off Wal Mart and takes over the company he can start exporting
again, but at higher prices. He can stop or start any portion as he wishes.