Stocking a bomb shelter
On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us..
> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
> >> > chaos.
> >> We have economic chaos now. *
> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.
> Indeed.
> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".
> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.
> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
> country...and only work at this job in the city.
> Gunner
What I've noticed so far...
Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for
There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. Much handgun ammo is
out of stock.