Dana Myers wrote:
> Duwop wrote:
>> Or, if you use Outlook Express
> Geez, top-posting is the *last* thing I'd
> worry when talking about OE, the conduit
> to constant virus innundation even if you
> stay on top of Windows Update.
> Dana
Hey thanks for your opinion there Dana, hope you're not gonna charge us for
all this received wisdom.
So far this morning we got from you:
Only buy wine in restaraunts, it sucks to pour it yourself (for reason(s)
not given)
Windoz is virus heaven, even though I've not received one virus in 4 years
thanks to my router.
Your complaining about other people complaining about other people wastes
Told someone they were wrong to suggest baby backs
Told Harry he did it all wrong without suggesting a better solution.
And finally, it's somehow wrong, hell it's Fascistic to familiarize someone
with this group.
Medications run out?