Stocking a bomb shelter
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Gunner Asch
external usenet poster
Posts: 11
Stocking a bomb shelter
On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 09:44:35 -0700 (PDT),
>On Mar 22, 12:05*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:57:59 -0700 (PDT),
>> wrote:
>> >On Mar 21, 10:07*pm, Gunner Asch > wrote:
>> >> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:16:22 -0700 (PDT),
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >On Mar 21, 6:36*pm, Fat Moe > wrote:
>> >> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> >> >> > "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> >> >> They aren't going to kill the goose that lays the
>> >> >> >> golden egg. *We keep buying their products and they won't bomb us.
>> >> >> > Very true. *They may not kill it, but they can control it. What if the China
>> >> >> > boss wakes up one day and says "stop all exports to the USA and get all the
>> >> >> > money they owe us." * In very short time, *our retail stores would be 3/4
>> >> >> > empty, much of our manufacturing that relies on imported parts will stop,
>> >> >> > prices will skyrocket for the things that are left. * *We'd have economic
>> >> >> > chaos.
>> >> >> We have economic chaos now. *
>> >> >No we don't. *If you think this is economic chaos, then you're going
>> >> >to be terrified if you ever do see it.
>> >> Indeed.
>> >> Ive been fasinated by the numbers of business's that are still
>> >> operational and seem hardly touched by the "crisis".
>> >> Only 1 in 5 has been negatively harmed by the economy. *That means so
>> >> far...everyone else is actually doing ok.
>> >> Times may indeed get rough. Or not. Shrug. Im planning on them getting
>> >> rough and am digging in a smidge deeper. *But then..I live in the
>> >> country...and only work at this job in the city.
>> >> Gunner
>> >What I've noticed so far...
>> >Walmart has been out of 5 gallon gas cans, oil lamps, and lamp oil for
>> >months.
>> Indeed. Now is this because of Walmarts sales, their agenda or an
>> outside intervention? *Finding all of the above items on the net are
>> easily done.
>Hmmmm? I think it's because people around here have finally learned
>something. We've had a number of lengthy power outages - over a week
>long for some. I think people are stocking up. Government will call
>it "hoarding."
>I'm going to put back 20 gallons of fuel before it goes over $2.00/
>gallon. I have an oil lamp for each room of the house, but only four
>jugs of oil.
An excellent idea. Ive got 50 gallons of Kero tucked away in 5 gallon
cans and enough lanterns and wicks to last me a decent number of
years, if things turn to shit. I didnt buy the kero at the Ace
Hardware store btw.......
>> >There is no 380 ammo for sale in central Ohio. *Much handgun ammo is
>> >out of stock.
>> True indeed. However other calibers are readily found as are
>> components. I tend to stock up on components rather than fixed ammo,
>> so having "enough on hand" is still *easily accomplished.
>Many of the gun stores are very low on modern handgun ammo, but 32-20
>and 44-40 cowboy loads abound.
Both are decent antipersonell and rifle rounds right out of the box.
>> I do think however that the Left is determined in some fashion to
>> remove ammo and components from the People. *Ive got enough to last me
>> for most of my life, but others...are not so fortunate, or foreward
>> thinking. *Shrug
>I've bought a lee melting pot and several molds.
>> Gunner
>Something is up. We'll see.
Indeed. <G>
Dont forget to stock up on lub, a sizer and some gaschecks.
"Human nature is bad. Good is a human product*
A warped piece of wood must be steamed and forced
before it is made straight; a metal blade must be put to the whetstone
before it becomes sharp. Since the nature of people is bad, to become corrected
they must be taught by teachers and to be orderly they must acquire ritual
and moral principles."
—Sun Tzu
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Gunner Asch
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