Blender:::: Opinions anyone???
On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 08:24:36 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sun 22 Mar 2009 12:53:18a, Leonard Blaisdell told us...
>> In article 7>,
>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>> Leo, please be cautious.
>> Duly noted and understood Wayne. It makes sense. Thank you. I'm not a
>> blender guy although I have one and a Mason jar just fit it. The glass
>> part of the equation didn't dawn on me then, but it does now.
>> leo
> You're welcome, Leo. Just didn't want you to get hurt. Perhaps nine times
> out of ten it would work without incidentl. It's that one out of ten I would
> worry about.
that's when you (from another room) call out to someone, 'o.k., hit the
your pal,