On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 11:07:14 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>Andy said...
>> koko,
>> I was going to recommend making a "Leftover Philly Cheesesteak" but
>> looking for a youtube video to show the technique, it became sadly
>> obvious that most Philadelphians don't know how to cook a cheesesteak
>> right. Even Pat's and Geno's (the "across-the-street from each other
>> battling for cheesesteak supremacy BUMS!!!" can't do it right! They BOTH
>> SUCK anyway!!! They roll out cold, stale sloppy products, imho. Their
>> only saving grace? You can get one served in under 5 seconds! BLECHHH!
>> Tourist SLOP-STOPS!!!!!!
>> The worst video I saw was pan fried Steakums with ketchup on
>> wonderbread.
>> I'm so disgusted and disappointed, I lost my breakfast appetite.
>> </rant>
>> Sorry, I really tried my Boy Scout best.
>> Best,
>> Andy
>I've been told to elaborate!
>Start sautéing medium diced Spanish onions on a grill or flat stove pan in
>vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
snippage of how to make a Philly Cheesesteak.
Thanks Andy, I saved that for future reference.
There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 03/20