Grill kaput, 35 guests next Friday, Need grill under $300 - HELP!
We are just finishing a new 600 foot cedar deck in our back yard and
thought we would be all set for a large gathering on Memorial Day
weekend. Then yesterday my lady backed her truck into my prized old
Weber (charcoal). It's beyond repair. We had been thinking about gas
anyway, but after the deck we only have $250 - $300 left in the piggy
bank. We looked at Home Depot, Sears, Target and Bi-Mart (like Sam's
but in the Northwest). The Charbroils all seem flimsy. And I must
say the Weber Genesis B seems kind of lightweight too. The 3 grills
that seem the sturdiest are a Thermos Stainless (at Target for $249.
A similar Kemore ( #16221) at Sears for $249. And a very stout
Nexgrill (model 720-0082-S-LP at Bi-Mart for $279. All three seem
MUCH more solid than the low end Webers we saw at Sears, and the
Nexgrill and Kenmore have cast iron grates which the $389 Weber does
not. I'm drawn to the Nexgrill has cast iron grates and burners,
stainless drip catchers and appears to be very well made. My spouse
likes that it has enclosed storage on the bottom. I've seen Nexgrill
bad-mouthed abit on the various forums and not much info at all about
the Kenmore or the Thermos stainless at Target. We have never done
gas so we sure would appreciate any input on the three grills
mentioned above.