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Stan (the Man)
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Default How long should I boil my ribs?

JakBQuik wrote:

> Ha ha--made you look!
> No, I'm really serious. I gave some BBQ'd ribs, done the right way:
> membranes removed, rubbed and mopped just a little at the end of a low and
> slow cook on my K#7....very vinegery, not sweet and thick, to some friends
> that were sealed in a SealAMeal and frozen (the ribs...not my friends).
> Anyway, how long do you guys put the SealAMeals in boiling water? I told
> him about 20-25 minutes. Do ya'll concur?

Lots of room for error there, John. I'd go even a bit longer. 30-40
minutes. You're not going to burn them.
