On Mar 23, 12:50*am, Goomba > wrote:
> Todd wrote:
> > My latest endeavor was to peal it, salt it for an hour, rinse
> > the salt off, and plop it into hot olive oil. *You could watch
> > the oil disappear as the eggplant slices sucked every bit of it
> > up.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> yowsa.
> Ok... salt if you want but NOT for a freakin' hour! I've never known
> anyone to rinse it but rather pat it dry of any extruded moisture and
> the salt.
> Then dip in eggwash and then flour before frying. *That's how my dad did
> his.....
> Give that a try 
> Goomba
I do it this way too - in fact mine gets a double fry before the
baking. I start the fry in a small amt of olive oil and add sparingly
as needed. No need to immerse the eggplant - waste of good oil and
sponge action will def. take effect.
I add a bit of finely crushed dried parsley to the egg wash too. Now
you've got me wanting to make eggplant parmesan. It's a pain but oh
so good.