"George Shirley" writes:
> Omelet wrote:
>> In article .com>,
>> "Pete C." > wrote:
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>>> You're trying to fry eggplant.
>>>>> Try a non fried recipe, there are plenty and they are generally a lot
>>>>> better.
>>>> <lol> That's the first thing I thought about too when I saw this
>>>> thread.
>>>> ;-) My sister generally uses it for Eggplant Parmesan. Mom used to
>>>> make a killer egg plant soup/stew.
>>>> I personally don't care for them, but I can still prepare them for
>>>> others...
>>> A lot of people think they don't like eggplant, when in reality they
>>> have only every tried mediocre fried preparations.
>> No, I've tried it prepared steamed, baked, fried, stewed and made into
>> eggplant parmesan.
>> I still can't stand it. It has a harsh flavor that just does not appeal
>> to me.
>> But, thanks anyway. ;-)
>> I feel the same way about Bell Peppers...
>> There are just some foods that, even as an adult, I can't seem to develop
>> a taste for.
I love bell peppers, wonderful grilled.
> Try the Japanese eggplant, no harsh or bitter flavor, no need to salt and
> squeeze, just peel and cook. That's the only kind we grow anymore. We've
> grown Ichiban variety for years and this year we're trying PingTung.
PingTung is just a longer version of Ichiban, no other difference. I think
the Ichinan are easier to grow and to grill. The PingTung is so long it
mostly grows on the ground, and to cook needs to be cut into smaller
sections anyway.
A few years ago (2003) I grew an Oriental eggplant for which I still haven't
come up with a proper name: