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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Oil sponge problem: how do you fry eggplant?

In article >,
"brooklyn1" > wrote:

> > Try the Japanese eggplant, no harsh or bitter flavor, no need to salt and
> > squeeze, just peel and cook. That's the only kind we grow anymore. We've
> > grown Ichiban variety for years and this year we're trying PingTung.

> PingTung is just a longer version of Ichiban, no other difference. I think
> the Ichinan are easier to grow and to grill. The PingTung is so long it
> mostly grows on the ground, and to cook needs to be cut into smaller
> sections anyway.
> A few years ago (2003) I grew an Oriental eggplant for which I still haven't
> come up with a proper name:

Nice harvest and love the double eggplant. <g>

Okay, I'm always up to re-try some foods so I guess I'll give those a
shot. I'm betting central market will have some.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.