Soft boiled eggs. Really hard.
On Mar 23, 9:14*am, James > wrote:
> It's much harder than hard boiled eggs. *Boiled a dozen eggs, 2 at a
> time. *2 were too undercooked. *The rest were from a little to way
> overcooked.
> If I want runny eggs I'm just going to fry them.
You have a lot more latitude with hard cooked eggs, that's true, but
to achieve consistent results for soft boiled you just have to control
your experiment better. For me, it's cold pan, cold water, cold eggs,
medium high flame, turned off at first full boiling bubble and removed
to cold burner. Timed at 3 minutes for large eggs, 3:15 for extra
large. Drained and run under cold water for a few seconds. That
consistently gives us the result we like.