Thread: Sour grapes?
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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Sour grapes?

Andy said...

> Sour grapes?
> Went through one huge bunch of red seedless grapes.
> I wonder how long it takes to get from the groves to my produce market,
> and as long as they sit there, then get to my house... how long will
> they last before going sour?!?
> I'm not timid in any sense, just asking.
> ?
> And I have had sour grapes off a wine vine. VERY bitter.
> Andy

Nevermind. I broke them off the stems and spread them on the "magically
disappearing ground pepper," on the front yard boulder. Don't actually know
WHO I'm feeding but I'm obviously doing them a favor. I hear a lot of "CHIP
CHIP" from my northern cardinals (nothing out of the ordinary) but don't
have the wireless TV cams on. Interferes with the wi-fi connections.

Gonna be a lot of drunk birds outside tonight!!!

Glad I can't fly... sometimes!!!
