How long should I boil my ribs?
> What's the deal on the seal-a-meal? Is that material safe? Recently, it
> was determined that plastic wraps (Glad, Saran, etc) leach toxins into
> when the heated/nuked plastic is touching the food. Is this a problem
> vacuum pak plastics?
Too much worrying! I gotta worry about what the pig/cow ate, what kind of
inoculations he got, was he butchered sanitarily, was he stored ok, the trip
home and in my fridge, is the smoke safe, the preservatives in the sauce
ingredients, the time it sits while I cut 'em up, did I wash my hands after
taking a leak, and now the plastic they're frozen in. Whew, just pass the
ribs, please.
BTW, I'm munching on a sandwich made from my first brisket. Cooked this 8
pounder too long, it was dry. Fat up or down in an ECB??? (The new
Wallyworld Extreme has vacu-jacked briskets and shoulder roasts!!! woo-hoo!)
-John O