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Default Grill kaput, 35 guests next Friday, Need grill under $300 - HELP!

Mr. Wizard wrote:
> Thirty five guests and a new untested grill?
> That's like going into battle with a rifle you've never
> learned how to fire.

I still can't get past the 600 foot deck.

webfoot wrote:
> We are just finishing a new 600 foot cedar deck in our back yard

Damn, that's a long deck...

"Hey, go back in the house and get the ketchup!"

"Screw you, I went back for the salt. I ain't making that walk again!"

....and here on the east coast a piece of 6" cedar decking 8 foot long is
going for $11. No doubt cheaper in the PNW where they grow it but,
still... Seems the price of a new grill wouldn't be an issue- [altho' I
suppose the width of the deck would be a determining factor, as well.]

Or perhaps it's a 600 SQUARE foot deck? <g>