Are these schmucks crazy or what?
BuffetHater > wrote:
>> So Lubow is not entitled to free speech too?
>Anti- semites would prefer to silence the offended, makes them make
What a freakin' joke! Anybody with an IQ above room temp knows that
the most rabid anti-free speech outfits are jewish, the ADL to name
just one.
>Don't like Jews? Just make sure you mention that to your doctor or
>when in line for help.
Good idea, I wouldn't let a Yid doc touch me if I could avoid it.
These guys have grown up with their minds being poisoned
by Talmudic crap. They hate the goyim and wouldn't care
if their medical "treatment" caused a goy harm. And they
would do any thing for a shekel. Anyway there are plenty
of good gentile doctors. That old song 'n' dance that
you're gonna die without jewish doctors is just a giant
crock of shit.