On Mar 24, 6:44*pm, Pramesh Rutaji > wrote:
> Lubow wrote:
> > On Mar 24, 3:44 pm, Pramesh Rutaji > wrote:
> >> Lubow wrote:
> >>> On Mar 24, 6:03 am, wrote:
> >>>>http://wcbstv.com/food/non.kosher.fr....2.965310.html
> >>>> Walter Hudson
> >>> That's all we need. *An internet piece of crap criticizing another
> >>> person's (in this case, a whole community's) religious beliefs.
> >> What we don't need is the politically correct speech police. *Free
> >> speech is essential to a free society which means lots of things will be
> >> said that someone or some group won't like including all the things true
> >> and not so true about middle eastern originated religions on both sides
> >> of the mythical Abrahamic concubinage woman-as-property lines.
> >> --
> >> Pramesh Rutaji
> >> - remove tongue to reply
> > Calling people names because you don't like their religion is not free
> > speech. *It's free stupidity.
> Let the BS flow. *However, change the channel, figure out how to use a
> kill file, etc.
> Anyone who follows a religion, organized or not, is practicing free
> stupidity.
> --
> Pramesh Rutaji
Pramesh, if you have a problem with the US Constitution and the Bill
of Rights, you are free to live elsewhere. This isn't the Soviet
Union nor is it Burma (or whatever it's called today).
No official has ever put a gun to any law abiding citizen forcing them
to stay under the jurisdiction of the United States and its system of
laws and its constitution which every president has sworn to preserve
and protect.