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Default How long should I boil my ribs?

"John O" > wrote:
> >[]

> Too much worrying! I gotta worry about what the pig/cow ate, what kind of
> inoculations he got, was he butchered sanitarily, was he stored ok, the
> trip home and in my fridge, is the smoke safe, the preservatives in the
> sauce ingredients, the time it sits while I cut 'em up, did I wash my
> hands after taking a leak, and now the plastic they're frozen in. Whew,
> just pass the ribs, please.

LMAO. When we were rugrats, we stuck everything in our mouths, yet here we
> BTW, I'm munching on a sandwich made from my first brisket. Cooked this 8
> pounder too long, it was dry. Fat up or down in an ECB??? (The new
> Wallyworld Extreme has vacu-jacked briskets and shoulder roasts!!!
> woo-hoo!)

Up or down? Read the FAQ! Read BigJim's FAQ! Review Hound's posts.
Direct - down, indirect - up. 'difIknow!

Intuitive insights from Nick, Retired in the San Fernando Valley
"Giving violent criminals a government guarantee that their intended
victims are defenseless is bad public policy."
- John Ross, "Unintended Consequences"
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