Lubow wrote:
> On Mar 24, 6:44 pm, Pramesh Rutaji > wrote:
>> Lubow wrote:
>>> On Mar 24, 3:44 pm, Pramesh Rutaji > wrote:
>>>> Lubow wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 24, 6:03 am, wrote:
>>>>>> Walter Hudson
>>>>> That's all we need. An internet piece of crap criticizing another
>>>>> person's (in this case, a whole community's) religious beliefs.
>>>> What we don't need is the politically correct speech police. Free
>>>> speech is essential to a free society which means lots of things will be
>>>> said that someone or some group won't like including all the things true
>>>> and not so true about middle eastern originated religions on both sides
>>>> of the mythical Abrahamic concubinage woman-as-property lines.
>>>> --
>>>> Pramesh Rutaji
>>>> - remove tongue to reply
>>> Calling people names because you don't like their religion is not free
>>> speech. It's free stupidity.
>> Let the BS flow. However, change the channel, figure out how to use a
>> kill file, etc.
>> Anyone who follows a religion, organized or not, is practicing free
>> stupidity.
>> --
>> Pramesh Rutaji
> Pramesh, if you have a problem with the US Constitution and the Bill
> of Rights, you are free to live elsewhere. This isn't the Soviet
> Union nor is it Burma (or whatever it's called today).
> No official has ever put a gun to any law abiding citizen forcing them
> to stay under the jurisdiction of the United States and its system of
> laws and its constitution which every president has sworn to preserve
> and protect.
Another irrational conclusion as I highly value the constitution, all of
it. The US constitution, what's left of it, was well framed. Limited
government was a good idea and we need to return to it. The US
constitution provides for free speech, not forced listening/reading.
Change the channel, use a kill file, switch the web page, go on to a
different post.
Everyone gets to censor their "inputs" as they see fit. They even get
to worship the great shit maker in the sky if they want to, their
choice. You don't however go around threating other citizens when they
fail either accidentally or on purpose to accommodate your religious
rituals. If someone contracts to provide "kosher" food and doesn't,
there's plenty of "kosher" lawyers who would gladly take the case.
Justice is not administrated by mobs in the US. The constitution works
for everyone.
The US government seems to think the constitution allows them to reach
outside the national boundaries and bind citizens when they are outside
acting within the laws of other nations. Try moving outside the US and
earning a living without the US thinking you ought to pay taxes on that
income as if the US somehow owns you body and soul. Hell, try
transferring a dollar outside the US without the US thinking it ought to
know all about it. The constitution was original developed by "we the
people" as the owners of the government, not the FEDs as the owners of
the people - say no the next time you get "drafted" into the slave army.
As to what presidents do, you are quite naive. Now we have a president
that wants to move us towards a government managed economy, the
neo-communism he calls redistribution of wealth.
Pramesh Rutaji
- remove tongue to reply