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Default How long should I boil my ribs?

"Jason in Dallas" > wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> I won't bore you with the science since I'm a poor teacher and not a
> thermodynamicist. Probably can't even spell it right.
> The short explaination is yes, boiling cooks differently and faster than
> smoking. It's bacause water is much more dense than air and holds more
> heat to impart top the food. The reason you feel more hot on a humid day,
> because steamy air holds more heat (HVAC guys call it "latent" heat). The
> ribs in abag of boiling water are being touched by the plastic bag which
> is more dense than air, and once the bag expands with steam the steam is
> still mroe dense then the air in a BBQ pit.

Your explanation is exactly right, as is your spelling of thermo . . . .

Intuitive insights from Nick, Retired in the San Fernando Valley
"Giving violent criminals a government guarantee that their intended
victims are defenseless is bad public policy."
- John Ross, "Unintended Consequences"
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