(2009-03-24) NS-RFC: Taxing chocolate?
brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Dave Smith" wrote:
>> Then I discovered dark chocolate. It is a little strange that on the rare
>> occasion that I eat milk chocolate I keep eating it, even though I
>> inevitably suffer for it, but I find that a small amount of dark chocolate
>> is very satisfying.
>> Once in a while I buy a large dark chocolate bar and have one square every
>> day or two, and a bar lasts for weeks.
> You're kidding... I don't think I believe that.
Believe it or not, but it's true.
> I can only buy a bar of chocolate very occasionally... if I bought chocolate
> every day I'd eat it all that day, probably all within the half hour. If I
> bought ten chocolate bars I'd eat them all that day too, probably eat them
> non stop. Someone told me that if I put chocolate in the freezer I wouldn't
> eat it... yeah, right.
You are probably getting milk chocolate. As I have said, if I start
eating milk chocolate I get a powerful urge to eat more and more until
it is all gone.... and then I suffer. That doesn't happen when I eat
dark chocolate. I find it very satisfying. I can break off a square two
of that and nibble on that and have no craving for more.
I usually pick up my bittersweet chocolate bars at a German deli when I
go for cream cheese. I may pick up a chocolate bar every second or third
If you find that you are eating too much chocolate to dare to have it
around the house, and if you like the bittersweet stuff, you should give
it a try. Pick up a bar of good bittersweet and have just a square or
two at a time.