How long should I boil my ribs?
On 21-May-2004, "John O" > wrote:
<snip fore and aft>
> Too much worrying! I gotta worry about what the pig/cow ate, what kind of
> inoculations he got, was he butchered sanitarily, was he stored ok, the
> trip
> home and in my fridge, is the smoke safe, the preservatives in the sauce
> ingredients, the time it sits while I cut 'em up, did I wash my hands
> after
> taking a leak, and now the plastic they're frozen in. Whew, just pass the
> ribs, please.
LOL John. People that are worrying about all that stuff are not ever going
to cook anything. I'm coming up on 68 years and I'll be very surprised if
home cooked 'Q' kills me. For those of you who might have eaten at
Howard Johnsons (Read sidewalk cart in SE Asia) you'll know what I
mean. Perhaps it was the Plum wine base that save us.
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")