Goat meatballs
Pete C. said...
> Steve Pope wrote:
>> I was planning to make my standard lamb meatballs, but there
>> was also ground goat at the farmer's market so impulsively I
>> bought that instead.
>> I am wondering what sort of adjustment of seasoning makes
>> sense? I am thinking along the lines of curry, garam masala,
>> or jerk. I also have some Bufalo (not Buffalo) sauce and
>> thought I'd throw a bit of that in.
>> Any opinions?
>> Steve
> The only goat I've had was Jamaican curry goat which was very good. I'm
> not sure if they do goat with jerk seasoning.
I wouldn't buy ground goat if I didn't witness it butchered and ground up.
I'd try it untouched by spices to try it's flavor the first time, then
doctor it up next time.