The livestock auction
On Mar 25, 9:28*am, Dave Smith > wrote:
> My neighbour called yesterday morning to see if I wanted to go to a
> local livestock auction with him. *He has been thinking of getting some
> critters to raise and wanted to see what was available and what kind of
> prices he will have to pay. *It sounded interesting so I went, and what
> an experience it was.
> The auction had started at 10 am and we didn't get there until 11, in
> time to see them selling off things like odd lots of dog food and cat
> food. Then they started selling the rabbits, chickens, ducks and geese.
> They took an hour break before the sheep, goats and calves.
> I could not believe how cheap they were. There was one sheep that was
> sold by the pound and everything else was sold per piece. The auctioneer
> started off asking for $2 per pound for the 170 lb. sheep, then dropped
> it to $1, the 50 cents. *It ended up going for 47 cents. The (70lb) lamb
> sold for $45. Hell. I have paid almost $50 for a good sized leg of lamb.
> You would get two of those on this lamb, plus the shoulders, racks and
> everything else. *They sold 8 calves for $40-50 *each.
> I almost came home with some kid goats. They were so cute. They were so
> young they still had umbilical cords hanging down and they were jumping
> and cavorting about. Some of them sold for $1. Hell, I was going to
> start bidding on how much they could pay me to take one. At $1 a piece
> it would probably not even pay for the cost of gas to bring them to the
> auction.
> The only thing that stopped me from getting one is that I thought I had
> nowhere to put them. I had forgotten all about my dog kennel. It is 16'
> square and could easily hold 2-3 until I could put up a fence for a
> larger enclosure. *That is probably a good thing because I later
> realized that, as cute as they are, they turn into goats and can be a
> real pain in the neck.
I've never tried the ol' kid boiled in its mother's milk, but it must
be really yummy. Why else would God have to tell people three times
not to do it:
Exodus 23:19 and 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21
Perhaps it's like fornication. If it wasn't so much fun, they
wouldn't have to keep tellin' you not to do it.