Goat meatballs
On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:07:33 +0900, "phil..c" >
>> Steve
>as another poster mentioned just treat as you would Mutton
Not my exact intention. I only meant to say that many recipes from
India, when translated into American, will use the word mutton when in
actuality they would use goat when cooking it.
Goat is much more tender and has a different flavor from 'real' mutton,
which is a wether (castrated male sheep), or a breeding female, at least
2 years old. Mutton is not easy to find in the US.
> Mutton in this sense as not the same as lamb .
>Goat is actually VERY flavoursome
> and now prefer it over lamb
>unless the lamb has been on salt bush ---------- now that is a great taste