Thread: Rice
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Rice

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"Ed Warren" > wrote:

> I cook a fair amount of Indonesian food. For the fried rice, I need nice
> separate kernels that are not gummy or sticky. For years I have used
> basmati rice which I suspect is fairly old when I get it. Recently I
> purchased some NEW Jasmine rice. By NEW I mean recently harvested. The
> conventional wisdom is that new rice needs less water, but even when I
> halved the water and the rice did not fully cook, it was still gummy. I
> rinsed it well before hand.
> Is it possible to have nice separate kernels from new Jasmine rice?
> Is there a type of rice that would be better than the basmati that I always
> buy in a zippered burlap bag?
> Thank you,
> Ed Warren

Have you considered trying Brown rice?
Peace! Om

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It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.