blake wrote on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 17:59:39 GMT:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> Janet wrote on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:39:51 -0500:
>>>> James Silverton wrote:
>>>>> Another thing that I miss is the ability of older blenders
>>>>> to use a Mason jar.
>>>> I am trying to visualize how one gets the blades into the
>>>> bottom of a Mason jar. I can see this with a stick blender,
>>>> but not an old-fashioned Osterizer.
>>>> Be so kind as to enlighten me.
>>> This might interest you.
>> Thanks, that really explained it to me. I get all kinds of
>> weird mental images. Must just be my weird brain.
> don't feel bad. i had trouble visualizing it myself, the
> first time i heard about it.
Just for interest, there seems to be something called the "Magic Bullet"
that has used the above Mason Jar technique to design a blender. I'm not
going to try it especially since "as advertised on TV" is a turn-off to
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: