OT Easily Amused
Kathleen wrote:
> Inside, I dug in the freezer for a package of frozen peas to apply to
> the emerging shiner. Only, I didn't realize there was a split in the
> plastic bag and as I was getting it out, a handful of frozen peas
> spilled and bounced all over the kitchen floor.
> It was funny enough to watch Scully scrambling around the kitchen,
> scarfing up individual frozen peas. Seriously, what kind of border
> collie is mad for frozen peas? But when Dear Daughter added in PacMan
> sound effects... "WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA"...
> It ranks right up there with the whole "peanut butter on the roof of
> the mouth" thing.
LOLOL! Thanks for my laugh of the day. :-D