OT Easily Amused
In article >,
Kathleen > wrote:
> I admit it. I am. But times are hard and you take your laughs where
> you can find them.
> So Dear Daughter and her beau were over for dinner and were out back on
> the trampoline, much to Zane's delight. Zane is our big male border
> collie. He has a tennis ball fetish. And a trampoline fetish. His
> favorite thing in the whole world (apart from flyball) is seeing my
> daughter put her headphones on and roll up her jeans. This means she's
> going out to jump on the trampoline, which means he can jump with her,
> and bring her tennis balls, which she kicks or throws for him to retrieve.
How utterly fun! PLEASE take some youtube footage of that? Please???
> The presence of Boyfriend adds a new dimension to the game. The pair of
> them throw the tennis balls at each other as they bounce, in what I can
> only interpret as some sort of bizarre courtship ritual, and Zane
> retrieves them after the ricochet.
> I consider Boyfriend either foolish or in love because there's no way
> anybody with an ounce of common sense would allow DD to peg a tennis
> ball at them at short range. The girl has a hell of an arm on her, and
> dead accurate aim. And sure enough, she hit him in the eye with one.
> Inside, I dug in the freezer for a package of frozen peas to apply to
> the emerging shiner. Only, I didn't realize there was a split in the
> plastic bag and as I was getting it out, a handful of frozen peas
> spilled and bounced all over the kitchen floor.
Hey, that makes it "on topic". <lol>
> It was funny enough to watch Scully scrambling around the kitchen,
> scarfing up individual frozen peas. Seriously, what kind of border
> collie is mad for frozen peas? But when Dear Daughter added in PacMan
> sound effects... "WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA"...
> It ranks right up there with the whole "peanut butter on the roof of the
> mouth" thing.
Thanks for the afternoon laugh! ;-D ;-D ;-D
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.