Express Checkout
On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 15:49:22 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >
>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 14:10:30 -0600, "Gregory Morrow" >
>> wrote:
>> >Speaking of wierd laws, until 30 years you could not buy meat in Chicago
>> >after 6:00 PM, on Sunday not at all...
>> That was a butchers union rule. Meat couldn't be sold unless there
>> was a union member on duty. I remember the meat being covered in
>> white paper at 5:59. But back then many women didn't work full time
>> so it was a bit easier. Today it would be tough on families where both
>> parents work. It was a dumb rule.
>Thanks, Lou, I thought it was probaly a union thang...
Unions still control things that make no sense. Plumbers objecting to
PVC pipe is just crazy. Although I hate all the cameras going up on
the streets the FOP makes some pretty lame claims against them. The
list could go on.
>Another question (this has also been asked in chi.general): at the several
>Walgreens I patronise I'll sometimes hear an intercom announcement saying
>"Help needed in the shaved meat department". What on earth could this mean?
>I guess I should ask somebody that works there, it must a "code" message or
I'd assume it's a code. I worked at Osco for a few months 30 years
ago. You asked for Mr. Blue, or Green, or whoever depending on what
was going on. There were other codes but I don't remember most. The
price tags were all coded with the "Charleston" code. Each letter
stood for a digit and reflected store cost. Employees paid cost +10%
IIRC. I'm sure now it's all in the computers.
>Good to see ya, you've been kinda "scarce" around here lately...
Thanks, I've been lurking but more interested in the real life news
currently. I'll be around.