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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Posts: 8,635
Default What can I cook for less than $5???

l, not -l > wrote:

>On 30-Mar-2009, Dan Abel > wrote:

>> (Victor Sack) wrote:

>>> Dan Abel > wrote:

>>>> The initial post in this thread did not seem like a malicious troll.

>>> Oh, really?

>> Not to me. Was there something in that first post in this thread that
>> would have alerted a casual reader to the fact that it was a malicious
>> troll?

>Regardless of the original posters intent, if you exclude this off-shoot of
>messages about trolls/trolling, the original question sparked reasonable,
>on-topic discussion. It seems that the negative aspects, and waste of
>bandwidth, had little to do with the subject of the thread - rather, it was
>all the useless usenet policing.

The OP did not seem like a troll to me. He/She seemed like
someone who offered to make dinner for a friend (possibly even,
a date) and who only has $5 and wanted some ideas that would
be impressive.

Remember, it's the end of the month and a lot of folk don't have
