Priority Parking at the Grocer
"blake murphy" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 07:00:03 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> Steve wrote:
>>> Our grocery chain has not only handicap parking spots (required by
>>> law, of course), but about 8 spaces near the front of the store for
>>> "Customers With Children".
>>> Those spaces should be a free for all, IMO.
>> So park there. Do you really think a store would enforce that policy to
>> the
>> point of towing their customers' vehicles?
>> Bob
> i think someone upthread mentioned that parking in a marked handicapped
> space is a violation of the law, kind of a different thing. (i don't know
> that *providing* them is mandated - could be.)
> i guess the store would have to think about how many customers were ****ed
> versus pleased at the policy.
> your pal,
> blake
It doesn't really bother me. I figure, I get a bit more exercise, I can
throw my cart in the cart-corral after I unload my groceries, and I get to
go "whee!!!!" as I run with my cart to my parking spot. Parking close to
the store is a luxury, I understand. I used to work at a hospital where
(while under construction) I had at *least* a ten-minute walk or bus ride to
the parking lot. That is basically stealing 20 minutes from my day, and
that makes me a sad hamburger helper. But at our grocery stores here, the
extra walk is maybe 30 more seconds, less if you run and say whee. And I
like to say whee.