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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Res: Easy Pepper Jack Chicken

In article >,
"cshenk" > wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" wrote
> > FERRANTE wrote:

> >> Easy Pepper Jack Chicken

> > Five to six HOURS? On low heat? Great balls of fire! You could cook
> > it on medium heat and it would be done in 20 minutes, Mark.

> Barb, he just forgot to mention it's a crockpot recipe. The time is
> suitable.

Huh. Still, though, when it would take about 20 minutes for those
breasts to cook, why not do it on the stove top? I think if I were that
pressed for time or near starvation when I walk in the door after work,
I'd do the prep the night before while cleaning up supper's dishes and
detritus: slice the peppers into strips, combine the soup and the salsa
‹ heck, maybe all of it, even. Put the cooking pan on the burner. I'd
walk in the back door, turn on the burner before I took my coat off.
Remove coat, pull the stuff from the fridge and dump it into the pan and
bring to a near boil, then reduce heat, set the timer for 10 minutes,
cover it and go change my clothes and start looking at the day's mail.
After 10 minutes, turn the breasts, cover, and make a salad. At the end
of the second 10 minutes, dish it up, sit to table and eat.

True, I have a bias against crockpots, but this still seems like a
no-brainer for the stovetop.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - updated 3-30-2009
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."