Priority Parking at the Grocer
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 11:21:31 -0700 (PDT), maxine wrote:
> On Mar 30, 6:34*am, Stan Horwitz > wrote:
>> Why would an expectant mother need preferential parking? Most expectant
>> mothers I have known were perfectly capable of walking to a store from
>> any location in a parking lot and that includes a colleague of mine who
>> is due next month who walks a few blocks to her car at work every day
>> without a problem.
> Those last few weeks you feel like you're off-balance, the kid is
> sitting on your bladder, and for too many of us, there's swelling and
> a host of other "discomforts" to put it mildly.
> You're right, it's not always necessary, but when a mother-to-be is
> having problems, it's a kindness.
> maxine in ri
> former mother-to-be, currently awaiting the last colleges' responses
wish your kids good luck, maxine.
your pal,