Sloppy Joes
Curtis wrote:
> Chemo the Clown wrote:
>>On Mar 31, 10:23*am, "Curtis" > wrote:
>>>Jerry Avins wrote:
>>>>Curtis wrote:
>>>>>I want a recipe for Sloppy Joes, so post one right now.
>>>>Where didn't you learn any social skills? My dog asks more
>>>>politely than you.
>>>I haven't got the time for this crap. Just post my recipe.
>>How can we post your recipe?
> For ****'s sake, someone who isn't an idiot post a good recipe NOW.
You have to have an education beyond preschool to understand the subtle
complexities of 'sloppy joes'.
An opposable thumb is also a necessity.
Your contributions here suggest a lack of both.
Stick to scavenging road kill, you wont notice any difference.